
The purpose of this site is to bring to your attention the cabinet medical Cardice activities. This site contents is informative.

In any case, the relationship between doctor and the patient should not be broken. The information contained herein shall not relieve the patient's consultation.

This site was created in compliance with medical ethics dictated by the Belgian Physicians Order and observes the rules of professional secrecy.

The pages of specialised medical information were written by Dr Foading Bertin.

This site  does not receives  incomes from advertising.

In application of treaties and international agreements containing provisions on the protection of copyrights, reproduction for a purpose other than personal, sale, distribution, transmission, distribution, adaptation, modification, publication, communication or partial in any form whatsoever, of the data, the presentation or organization of the site without the prior written permission of Medical Office Cardice © is prohibited.

Despite the care taken in drafting and design of this site, the Cabinet medical Cardice can not be held liable for any errors, omissions or results obtained through use of the information.